A Guide to Mixing and Matching Your Child’s Décor


When it comes to decorating your home, you want to create a space that feels inviting, comfortable, and ready to make memories in. Each room provides a perfect space to display the things you love most while letting your personal style and preferences shine through. However, not every room is going to look the same, and you might find yourself at a bit of a standstill when it comes to your kid’s room. That’s where mixing and matching can come in handy!

When you get to decorating your kid’s room, you might be overwhelmed by the idea of several patterns, colours, textures, and thematic characters to choose from. While streamlining the design of a modern living room might be relatively straightforward, it might be a little more daunting to figure out how DC’s Batman fits in with waffle cotton and polka dots.

You don’t want to eliminate anything that your kid wants to include though, so it’s important to find a way to incorporate everything without clashing. Luckily, if you implement the mix-and-match technique just right, you will be able to create an intriguing space that uses all the things your child loves the most.

How do you Mix and Match?

Once you master the mix and match technique, you can apply it to any of your clothing and décor items, in any room of the house. It’s a very easy concept that will allow you to use all your favourite pieces in a cohesive and complementary way.   

Mixing and Matching Basics

You may have heard of mixing and matching before when it comes to styling outfits. But for room decor? All you need to do is simply select a pattern or colour that you want to focus on first. Next, identify complementary patterns, colours, shapes, and other items to expand upon your initial idea.

The main thing when it comes to mix-and-match is that your placement and selection of everything is very intentional. So even if certain items or patterns don’t traditionally make sense together, you can present your kid’s favourite things in bold new ways and inspire creativity in both you and your little one.  

Complementary Colours


It’s helpful to understand a bit about complementary colours just for a reference point. The more you know before you start to get hands-on, the better everything will turn out. Think about the kind of mood or aesthetic you want the room to exude.

For example, a classic cotton candy pink will look completely different depending on what you pair it with. For a youthful and bubbly look, you might go with primary colours like blue and red. If you wanted to create a softer, more sophisticated look, you might go with nudes and even metallics like silver or gold.

You don’t need to necessarily limit yourself based on the focus colour you choose, but the overall palette selection should make sense together. Try to expose your child to a bunch of different colours and see which ones they engage with the most. If you see that a particular colour encourages a very positive reaction, consider that your ideal starting point!

Deciding on a Central Theme

It’s important to brainstorm with your child about how they want their room to look. Giving them a sense of responsibility shows that you trust them to make decisions, which helps build confidence, even at a very young age. Of course, if they’re too young to communicate that just yet, you can trust your parental instinct!

When considering the different options for your kid’s room theme, you should incorporate all the elements that make your child unique. This is the perfect time to showcase their personality. Don’t forget to include their favourite colours, toys, hobbies, and fictional characters. Of course, you can add in your own ideas too!  

Colours and Shapes

Sit down and have your child identify all their favourite colours. You can turn this into a fun activity if you want, grab a pile of paint swatches and let them play designer for the day! If it turns out that some of their selections don’t go together, you can just use the best of those that can be coordinated.

Don’t forget that colours aren’t one-dimensional! You can incorporate all kinds of fun elements when you use shiny, matte, and different textured colour elements. You should also get a sense of their favourite shapes and symbols. It’ll come in useful when you’re making decisions on small items and accessories.

Toys and Hobbies

You probably already have a good idea of your kid’s favourite toys and hobbies, but you need to be certain of their favourite. Sometimes kids change their mind on the fly, so make sure they know this decision is going to last for some time.

If your child is involved in any kind of activities such as music, art or football, you can decorate the room with items that reflect and encourage that.

For a lot of parents, toys strewn all over the place can cause a lot of frustration. If you incorporate their favourite toys with the design of their room, everything will have a place and you can reinforce positive habits as they grow.

Favourite Characters or Stories

A lot of children love to dedicate their space to their favourite superhero or other role model character. Take some time to talk to your child about their favourite stories, movies, and other entertainment and see if you can draw any inspiration from it. For example, using the colours of their favourite superhero for their luxury bed linen.

Mixing and Matching: the Final Touches

No matter what core elements you choose for your child’s room, you’re going to need neutral and complementary elements to add to the space. You might benefit from different items depending on your child’s age. For example, if you often find yourself at your child’s bedside reading, you might want a floor cushion if their bed is low. A nice blanket is always a great functional yet decorative item as well. Just think about what kind of needs are associated with the room and go from there!

If you want to browse a massive selection of incredible and affordable home décor items, Homescapes is your one-stop solution. From children’s duvet sets and baby blankets to bold and daring rugs we have a little bit of everything to suit your every need.

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