Improve your sleep in winter

Improve Your Sleep in Winter

With the clocks going back at the end of October, you’ll really start to feel the cold mornings and dark evenings. At this time of year, things can seem a bit dreary, so we’ve put together some tips on how to improve your sleep, starting with that glorious extra hour in bed on Sunday morning.

Improve your sleep in winter

lined curtains

The clocks going back on the 27th October means an extra hour of bed on Sunday morning. This only happens once a year, so it’s important to make the most of it. Whether you spend that extra hour asleep or lying in, treating yourself to a relaxing bath or spend it being productive, keep reading for our top sleep tips during Winter.

As the mornings will start to feel a lot cooler, investing in thermal lined curtains is a great way to stay cosy. Lined curtains both block out light from street lamps (that may disturb your sleep), as well help to keep heat in. This can help reduce your energy bills.

Another way to keep your sleep undisturbed during cooler weather is to ensure your bed is as snuggly and cosy as it can be. Have you switched your summer duvet to a higher tog winter duvet yet? If not, put that on your to-do list for the weekend to avoid waking up in the middle of the night from being too cold! Plus, a warmer duvet and cosy mattress topper underneath will make that extra hour in bed even harder to resist.

warm duvet to improve your sleep in winter
cosy bed

Our last tip for improving your sleep and keeping your spirits up on darker, colder evenings is to create the perfect sleeping environment. A cosy bed is the first place to start. Layer up with throws and cushions and spend some time reading before bed with your phone switched off. Lavender Aromatherapy pillows will also set a relaxing mood and help you fall asleep at night.

Let us know how you’ll be spending that extra hour on Sunday morning in the comments below!

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